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Ach550-01-012a-4 Ac Drives
Your HVAC system demands effortless comfort for everyone. Our intelligent variable speed drive is dedicated to saving energy, producing quality air, and alleviating environmental concerns. Reduce costs by controlling your buildings fans, compressors, and pump motors efficiently, for an energy conscious commercial environment. The ACH550 provides proven reliability, flexibility, and every essential HVAC communication protocol. It is pre-programmed for several applications, including: air handling units, cooling towers, chillers, and more.
The built-in real-time clock and calendar function provides true time and date stamps to drive events and enables the use of timers. Information is displayed clearly on the control panel. Further, daylight saving times can be easily selected according to different time zones.
External timer circuits are no longer needed. Built in timers utilizing the real-time clock - allow starting and stopping the drive or changing the speed, according to the time of day or night. Relay outputs can be operated with timers to control any auxiliary equipment on site.
Commonly used HVAC communication protocols are embedded into the drive, ensuring that they are always there if you need them. ABB has supplied, to building automation, tens of thousands of drives utlizing serial communications, including more than 30,000 BACnet installations